Lenders Fight Mortgage Reporting in Highway Proposal

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As the government looks for ways to fund its highway infrastructure plans, lenders have raised concerns about a proposal that would require them to report mortgage details to the IRS. This proposal has left some in the lending industry feeling uneasy and has sparked a debate about privacy and government overreach.

The Proposal

The proposal in question is part of the Biden administration’s plan to raise funds for its infrastructure projects. It calls for lenders to report mortgage details, including the borrower’s name, address, and loan amount, to the IRS. This information would then be used to track down tax evaders who may be hiding income or assets.

While the Biden administration has argued that this proposal would help to enforce tax laws and close loopholes, lenders have expressed concerns about the privacy implications of such a proposal. They argue that this would be an invasion of privacy and could lead to unintended consequences.

The Concerns

Lenders are worried that this proposal would open up a can of worms. They argue that the IRS already has access to this information through other means and that requiring lenders to report this information would be redundant.

Furthermore, there are concerns that this proposal could lead to unintended consequences. For example, if a borrower were to default on their mortgage, the lender would be required to report this to the IRS. This could result in the borrower being audited by the IRS, which could cause further financial strain.

The Response

The lending industry has been vocal in its opposition to this proposal. In a letter to the IRS, the Mortgage Bankers Association argued that this proposal would be burdensome and could lead to errors in reporting. They also raised concerns about the privacy implications of such a proposal.

However, the Biden administration has defended the proposal, arguing that it would help to close tax loopholes and ensure that everyone pays their fair share. They have also stated that the proposal would not lead to any new reporting requirements for lenders.

The Debate

This proposal has sparked a larger debate about privacy and government overreach. Some argue that the government has a right to access this information in order to enforce tax laws and ensure that everyone pays their fair share. Others argue that this proposal would be an invasion of privacy and could lead to unintended consequences.

Ultimately, the debate will continue as the Biden administration moves forward with its infrastructure plans. Lenders will be watching closely to see how this proposal plays out and whether it will be amended or scrapped altogether.

The Bottom Line

Lenders are fighting back against a proposal that would require them to report mortgage details to the IRS. While the Biden administration has argued that this proposal would help to enforce tax laws and close loopholes, lenders have expressed concerns about the privacy implications of such a proposal. This debate will continue as the government looks for ways to fund its infrastructure plans.

It remains to be seen whether this proposal will be amended or scrapped altogether. However, the debate over privacy and government overreach is likely to continue for some time to come.