Mortgage Standards Ease Up: What You Need to Know

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After years of strict lending standards in the wake of the 2008 housing crisis, mortgage lenders are finally easing up. This is good news for homebuyers who have been struggling to qualify for a mortgage in recent years. But what does this mean for you? Here’s what you need to know.

Why Are Mortgage Standards Easing?

The main reason that mortgage standards are easing is that the economy is improving. Unemployment is down, wages are up, and more people are able to afford a home. Additionally, the housing market has stabilized and is no longer experiencing the wild fluctuations that it did during the housing crisis.

Another reason that mortgage standards are easing is that lenders are more confident in the economy. They believe that borrowers are more likely to repay their loans now than they were a few years ago. This increased confidence has led to more lenient lending standards.

What Are the New Standards?

While mortgage standards are easing, lenders are still being cautious. They are not going back to the lax lending practices of the early 2000s. Instead, they are loosening up in a measured way.

Some of the changes that you can expect to see include:

  • Lower credit score requirements: Some lenders are now accepting borrowers with credit scores as low as 580.
  • Lower down payment requirements: Some lenders are now accepting down payments as low as 3%.
  • Less stringent debt-to-income ratio requirements: Some lenders are now accepting borrowers with debt-to-income ratios as high as 50%.
  • Fewer documentation requirements: Some lenders are now accepting “stated income” loans, where borrowers simply state their income without providing documentation.

What Does This Mean for Homebuyers?

If you’re a homebuyer, these changes mean that you may be able to qualify for a mortgage that you wouldn’t have been able to qualify for a few years ago. This is especially true if you have a low credit score, a small down payment, or a high debt-to-income ratio.

However, it’s important to remember that just because you can qualify for a mortgage doesn’t mean that you should. You should still be cautious and make sure that you can afford the mortgage payments. You should also shop around and compare rates from different lenders to make sure that you’re getting the best deal.

What Does This Mean for the Housing Market?

The easing of mortgage standards could have a significant impact on the housing market. It could lead to more homebuyers entering the market, which could drive up home prices. However, it could also lead to more foreclosures if borrowers take on more debt than they can handle.

Overall, the easing of mortgage standards is a positive development for the housing market. It allows more people to achieve the dream of homeownership, and it could help to stabilize the market in the long term.


While mortgage standards are easing, it’s important to remember that you should still be cautious when taking on debt. Make sure that you can afford the mortgage payments, and shop around to get the best deal. With these precautions in mind, the easing of mortgage standards is good news for anyone who has been struggling to qualify for a mortgage in recent years.