Mortgage Prisoners Challenge Lenders in Group Legal Action

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In recent years, many homeowners have been trapped in their mortgages, unable to switch lenders or access better mortgage deals. These individuals, known as “mortgage prisoners,” have been the subject of much controversy and concern in the UK.

Now, a group of mortgage prisoners is taking legal action against their lenders in a bid to secure fairer mortgage terms and better treatment from the industry.

What are Mortgage Prisoners?

Mortgage prisoners are individuals who have been unable to remortgage or switch lenders due to changes in the mortgage market. This may be due to a variety of factors, including changes in lending criteria, stricter affordability checks, or a fall in property values.

Many mortgage prisoners are stuck on high-interest rates and are unable to access the lower rates that are currently available on the market. This means they are paying more than they need to for their mortgages, and are struggling to keep up with their repayments.

The Challenges Faced by Mortgage Prisoners

Mortgage prisoners face a number of challenges when it comes to accessing better mortgage deals. One of the main challenges is that they are unable to pass the stricter affordability checks that lenders now use.

These checks are designed to ensure that borrowers can afford to repay their mortgages, even if interest rates rise or their circumstances change. However, many mortgage prisoners are unable to pass these checks, even if they are currently keeping up with their repayments.

Another challenge faced by mortgage prisoners is the lack of competition in the mortgage market. Many lenders are unwilling to take on these customers, as they are seen as higher risk and less profitable than other borrowers.

Legal Action

A group of mortgage prisoners has now launched legal action against their lenders in a bid to secure fairer mortgage terms and better treatment from the industry.

The group is being supported by the consumer group Which?, which has been campaigning for better treatment of mortgage prisoners for several years.

The legal action is being taken against a number of lenders, including Barclays, HSBC, and Santander. The group is arguing that these lenders have acted unfairly by trapping them in high-interest mortgages, and that they should be offered more affordable deals.

The Impact of the Legal Action

If successful, the legal action could have a significant impact on the mortgage market, and could lead to fairer treatment for mortgage prisoners.

The case is being closely watched by the industry, and many experts believe that it could lead to a shake-up in the way that lenders treat their customers.

However, it is important to note that the legal action is unlikely to lead to an immediate solution for mortgage prisoners. It may take several years for the case to be resolved, and even if the group is successful, it may still be difficult for mortgage prisoners to access better deals.


The legal action being taken by mortgage prisoners is an important step towards securing fairer treatment for these individuals. It highlights the challenges faced by those who have been trapped in their mortgages, and the need for the industry to do more to help them.

While the outcome of the legal action remains uncertain, it is clear that the issue of mortgage prisoners is one that will continue to be debated and discussed in the years to come.