C PACE Financing: A Comprehensive Guide to Funding Your Commercial Property

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If you’re a property owner looking to finance energy-efficient upgrades or retrofitting on your commercial property, you might want to consider C PACE financing. This innovative financing tool allows property owners to fund their energy-saving projects through a property tax assessment. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of C PACE financing, how it works, and its benefits for property owners.

What is C PACE Financing?

C PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy) financing is a financing mechanism that allows commercial property owners to obtain low-cost, long-term funding for energy-efficient upgrades, such as solar panels, LED lighting, HVAC systems, and insulation. The financing is repaid through a special assessment on the property’s tax bill, which is collected by the local government and passed on to the financing provider.

The C PACE program was first introduced in California in 2008 and has since been adopted by over 30 states across the US. It is designed to help commercial property owners overcome the upfront cost barrier of energy-efficient upgrades and make them accessible to a wider range of property owners.

How Does C PACE Financing Work?

The C PACE financing process involves several key players, including the property owner, the financing provider, and the local government. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Application

The property owner applies for C PACE financing through a financing provider, which could be a bank, a private lender, or a government agency. The financing provider evaluates the property’s eligibility for financing and provides an estimate of the project’s cost and the financing terms.

Step 2: Approval

The local government reviews the financing application and approves the financing if it meets the program’s eligibility criteria. The financing is secured by a lien on the property, which means it takes priority over other liens, including mortgages.

Step 3: Installation

The property owner hires a contractor to install the energy-efficient upgrades and pays for the project costs upfront. The financing provider disburses the financing to the contractor upon completion of the project.

Step 4: Repayment

The financing is repaid through a special assessment on the property’s tax bill, which is collected by the local government and passed on to the financing provider. The assessment is typically spread over a period of 10-25 years, depending on the financing terms.

What Are the Benefits of C PACE Financing?

C PACE financing offers several benefits for commercial property owners, including:

Low-cost, Long-term Financing

C PACE financing offers low-cost, long-term financing with fixed interest rates and no upfront costs. The financing is secured by a lien on the property, which allows lenders to offer more favorable financing terms.

Increased Property Value

Energy-efficient upgrades can increase the property’s value and attractiveness to tenants, which can result in higher rents and lower vacancy rates. Studies have shown that energy-efficient buildings can command higher rents and have higher occupancy rates than non-efficient buildings.

Reduced Operating Costs

Energy-efficient upgrades can reduce the property’s operating costs, including energy bills, maintenance costs, and insurance premiums. This can result in significant cost savings over the life of the upgrades.

Environmental Benefits

Energy-efficient upgrades can reduce the property’s carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment. This can also enhance the property’s reputation and appeal to socially responsible investors and tenants.

What Are the Eligibility Criteria for C PACE Financing?

The eligibility criteria for C PACE financing vary by state and program, but typically include:

Commercial Property

The property must be a commercial property, such as an office building, retail center, hotel, or industrial facility.

Energy-efficient Upgrades

The financing must be used for energy-efficient upgrades that meet the program’s energy-saving requirements. The upgrades could include solar panels, LED lighting, HVAC systems, insulation, or other energy-saving measures.

Property Owner Consent

The property owner must consent to the financing and agree to the special assessment on the property’s tax bill.

Property Value

The property must have sufficient value to secure the financing. The financing amount is typically limited to a percentage of the property’s value, such as 10-20%.


C PACE financing is a powerful tool for commercial property owners looking to finance energy-efficient upgrades and retrofitting. It offers low-cost, long-term financing with no upfront costs and can result in increased property value, reduced operating costs, and environmental benefits. If you’re a property owner interested in C PACE financing, be sure to check your state’s eligibility criteria and consult with a financing provider to explore your options.