Michael Flynn on Mortgage Lenders

Michael Flynn on Mortgage Lenders

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JSMedia – Michael Flynn is best known for his controversial column in the Western Journal, which was banned by the social media network Twitter last year.

The New York Times called it a “disinformation mill,” and the paper has since apologized for its stance. In a stinging attack on the mortgage industry, Flynn has been accused of promoting a loan product that can put homeowners in a worse financial situation.

Michael Flynn, former national security adviser, resigned after pleading guilty to lying to the government about his ties to the Russian government.

Michael Flynn on Mortgage Lenders

Michael Flynn on Mortgage Lenders

In his column, he ripped into the Obama Administration for its support of Ukraine and appeared to parrot the views of Russian President Vladimir Putin. While a prisoner in the United States, he continues to spread disinformation about the White House. He claims the White House has sold the American people an illusion.

Michael Flynn has become a controversial figure. He was the former national security advisor under President Donald Trump and pleaded guilty to lying to investigators over his ties to the Russian government. He was recently pardoned by the former president and continues to attack the Biden Administration. His recent columns have taken on a controversial topic: mortgage lending. In his opinion, the White House has sold American citizens an illusion.